Make it: Newborn Facebook memory book
Instead of joining the masses and shopping... (ok, fine. I did go down to Robson Street for a walk, but it was only for an hour so it doesn't count) ...I decided to finish up a little memory book I had made for my friend Amanda. Really, I am not sure if this flip book is a good idea or sort of weird..haha...but I think it will be a nice memory in the years to come. When Amanda had little Emmitt, I realized her Facebook wall was becoming inundated with tons and tons of comments from friends and family. In this day and age, facebook is the perfect tool to connect us all, and especially when you do not live close to those you want to share your special moments with. Of course we all know this and I guess that is why so many people are on Facebook. But...what happens in fifteen or even thirty years when facebook is possibly no more?? Where is all this online info going to go?? This is why I thought it would be a great gift for Amanda to remember all those loving comments left for Emmitt on her wall.
The book is quite basic, I have taken screen shots using print screen (that little button at the top right of your keyboard) and then hit paste in photoshop. I was then able to save each screen shot (after trimming away some of the side screen junk) and send it off to the printers. As I was putting the book together an idea came to mind. Wouldn't it be super cute to have the front page done in the Facebook font? After a bit of research, I was able to download a very similar font called Lucinda Grande and it even had a bold version. I left the words as lower case on the cover to match Facebook's logo style.