Best Online Design Magazine
Lonny Magazine
Have you ever taken a look at all the magazine's you subscribe to and wondered if they are really worth the bucks? I never used too...but lately it seems that I can just never get around to reading them all. Also, to be completely truthful, ever since I bought my Iphone last Christmas, my reading has gone waaaay down. So in the spirit of saving a bit of cash and enjoying an awesome publication (a la internet)... I introduce you to LONNY MAGAZINE. The title was conceived from the creators two favorite influences: LONDON & NEW YORK...
A great visual mag choked full of wonderful spaces and interesting tidbits, and usually they run around 200+ pages. Not only this, but you can also click on something and be instantly directed to that company's website. So easy!
I believe Lonny was concepted by some of the editors/staff from the old, short-lived Domino magazine. You will see a few similarities between the two for sure. Check out this seasons issue for some wonderful objects like the Hosta Salad Servers or the amazingly quirky and classic Manhattan apartment of Robert Leleux.
If you're looking for design inspiration then you will most definitely find something good here.
Below Images: Page excerpts from online Lonny Magazine...