Dear Photograph - Tell me a story of then and now.

I have recently come across a great blog called 'Dear Photograph'. It is such a simple blog...basically all white, but you are drawn even more so to the old school images. Upon closer look you realize a photo is being held in front of a modern day scene (indoor or outdoor). The photo held is from the past and feature grandparents, siblings and friends. It is actually quite amazing how well they have matched up the old photo with the new scenery and tried to stand in the original photographers position.

Even though these memories are not yours, I still find it heartwarming and kind of enchanting to reminisce along with the photo owner. I even find myself noticing the hands the hold the photos...and how much you can tell just from the nail polish or wrinkles! But last of all, there are quirky/cute little sayings under each photo (check out the site to see all the phrases). I am not really sure if the blog owner or photo submitter creates them, but they add a lot to the story.

Below are a few of my favorites, and trust me, I had to stop myself from adding about ten more:

Dear Photograph, Over 25 years later, the house is still blue and my mother is still looking over me.Alexandra
The caption for this one photo says: "Over 25 years later, the house is still blue and my mother is still looking over me." - How beautiful and heartwarming....

Dear Photograph,Remember when the phone didn’t give you a bill every month?KaylaDear Photograph,Trick or Treat!

I love how you know the girl in the photo is probably the same charismatic person holding the photo (with the striped nail polish) based on her demeanor and pink outfit complete with pink phone/back

Dear Photograph,
15 Years ago Dad took his boy fishing. Today I finally reeled in 3!
Cole Kuehn
Notice how well the photographer matched up the original photo to the current bridge lines...even with the slightly different perspective!

Dear Photograph, Her view won’t be the same without the trees. Jen Miller
Notice the trees behind the fence are gone :(

As a side note, I even noticed last week that a car commercial featured this same idea. It was super cute, they showed an old car image over the new car driving and then at the end had a photo of the house with an old car parked in the driveway. Does anyone remember what car company this was so I can link to it here?? Apparently my memory is just really failing me today... too much to think about at work as I cover my bosses vacation ;)

**All photos used are taken from the Dear Photograph blog**

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