One picture
>> Saturday, November 5, 2011 –
One picture can evoke so many thoughts & stirrings of the soul.
You might wonder what lens the photographer used to capture such beauty.
You might wonder where they live and plan a vacation there.
You might drift away into silence as the photo reminds you of the past.
...or you might be catapulted into the future.
Really, this is what has happened in my case. Of course, by now, there has been many 'one pictures' on countless blogs. But it all started with one picture on one great blog and the stage was set for the day I would begin on a social media adventure :)
{English Bay--Iphone}
The day I decided to, once and for all, 'start this blog thing' was during a spectactular fall sunset. So, it is quite fitting that I use the resulting photo for a theme.
Who doesn't like a great ocean shot right?